Buy, Sell & Lease RIPE IPv4 Address

RIPE is a Regional Internet Registry (RIR), which forms one of five organizations managing registration and allocation of Internet number resources inside their respective service regions. Of these, RIPE has the most liberal policies when it comes to resource transfer, and services West Asia, Europe, and the one-time USSR. RIPE allows buying and selling legacy address blocks without passing a needs test; nor is there a requirement of RIPE membership, or one that the addresses be stripped of legacy status.

Rent IPv4 Range /22 NOW

* We have sufficient IPv4 ranges available for (new) long term clients.
* RIPE /22 range rental.
* Minimum contract period 2 month.

Lease IPv6 Range /48

RIPE /48 range rental, 256 x/56, 65K x/64

Sponsoring LIR

At Stevan Solutions you can apply for a "Sponsoring LIR" or "Independent number resource assignment" via one of our LIR account(s) at RIPE.

Managed ASN

A managed solution where an ASN is announced and managed by us on our network.


Existing clients are able to have a sponsoring of an Autonomous System Number (ASN). For this service we need two (2) upstream providers (AS numbers) and some extra information.

Our mission - IP Address Lease

Transfers within and outside RIPE can become complicated, owing to wide variations in requirements when it comes to the different addresses which are to be transferred. If, for instance, an LIR sponsor is required for a PI transfer, a RIPE LIR can be of great assistance. RIPE members’ addresses are transferable to members of ARIN or APNIC. No transfer fees are charged, and there is no time restriction on reselling transferred addresses either.

Registration and maintenance

Being an RIR, RIPE is a member-based, non-profit association inside region specified above. It adheres to the laws of the country of location when distributing number resources, following policies which were developed by the regional community through Policy Development Processes (PDP).